Men’s Erotic Touch Group- Jan 17, 2019

Have you ever wanted to explore touch in a deeper way? Welcome to those first steps towards the journey of exploration and enjoyment. This group will be a structured but sexy way to explore touch, arousal and pleasure – both learning how to touch others, but learning about yourself as well.
Head up – this isn’t an orgy. The activities will be structured and intentions set. However nudity will certainly be encouraged and it’s ok not to be naked either. Couples are welcome – and if you only want to work on each other that is ok too. However everyone else will be taking turns and giving and receiving pleasure.
Exercises and content covered in a session varies – so expect sometimes to be doing touch one on one, in groups of three or sometimes in a large group. All exercises are optional – no one ever needs to feel they have to participate. Much of the exercises are about exploring touch, arousal, dynamics in touch, what is pleasurable, what is sexual, and the line in between. Consent is hugely important and taken seriously.
You’ll need to bring a towel or sheet, yoga mat, socks or thongs that won’t matter if they get a little oily (and undies/speedo If you don’t plan on losing all your clothing). Please bring a second towel if you want to shower after the event. You will be supplied with coconut oil, wipes, disposable gloves (for those who want them) and hand sanitizer.
Tickets are 30$ single and $40 for a couple, and the event will be capped to 15 people each time (at this stage)
Bring on the pleasure exploration.
Tickets available soon.